When registering for a user role for which the PDMP requires validation documents to be submitted, users will receive a notification within the application and via email with additional instructions on how to submit the requested documents. Users should follow the instructions within these notifications to submit the required documentation and/or complete their required forms in accordance with their PDMP's rules and regulations.
Documentation may be submitted electronically, or, if allowed by the state or jurisdiction's PDMP, mailed directly to the program's office.
Submitting Documentation Electronically
To submit required validation documentation electronically, log into PMP AWARxE using the email address and password used during account creation. The Welcome page will display a file upload option for your validation documents.
Click Add File, then select the appropriate validation documents. Once a user has submitted their validation documents, they will receive an email notifying them their account has been updated. At this time, the user will either be granted access or receive outreach from their PDMP administrator.
The following file types are accepted for electronic submission: PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF. If an error message is received when attempting to submit a supported file type electronically, please contact the Bamboo Health Support Team or submit a ticket for additional assistance. |
Submitting Documentation by Mail
Prior to submitting validation documents by mail, users should confirm with their PDMP administrator this is an acceptable option for delivery and gather any additional mailing requirements. The mailing address for the PMDP should be obtained directly from the PDMP's website.