New Rx allows users to manually enter prescription information in the form of the patient, prescriber, dispenser, and prescription information into the PDMP database using the Manual Submission Form within the PMP AWARxE web portal. The Manual Submission Form cannot be saved and therefore, should be completed near the time of creation to avoid loss of information.
User's should defer to their state's Data Submission Guide for Dispensers for the complete list of reporting requirements. |
To access the New Rx page and submit a Manual Submission Form, navigate to Data > Rx Management and click on the New Rx tab.
Complete all the required fields, at a minimum, and click Submit. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).
If a compound drug is being entered, be sure to check the checkbox next to Compound in the Drug Information section of the page and enter the required fields for the first drug ingredient, then click Add New to add additional drug ingredients. |
If all fields pass validation, a message will display indicating the record was successfully submitted.
If any fields do not pass validation, the number of errors will display at the top of the page. Scroll through the form to locate any errors. Fields containing errors are red with the specific error message displayed below the field.
Correct any errors and click Submit. Repeat until all fields pass validation and the success message displays.