For security puproses, PMP AWARxE passwords expire every 90, 120, 180, or 365 days based on settings configured by the applicable PDMP administrator.
If a PMP AWARxE account password has expired or been forgotten by the user, the account may become locked and prevent a user from being able to login/sign in. To reset the password of a locked account, navigate to the the PMP AWARxE login page and click Forgot Password.
Before clicking Forgot Password, clear any information from the Email and Password fields of the Log In screen. These fields must be blank to successfully navigate through the Forgot Password process. |
Enter the email address associated with the PMP AWARxE account, then click Continue.
If the email address provided is valid and registered to a PMP AWARxE account, a link to reset your password will be sent via email. Once the email has been received, click the link provided to proceed to the Change Password screen.
The password reset link is only active for 20 minutes. After the time has expired, users will need to request a new password reset link. |
Enter a new password in the New Password field, then re-enter it in the New Password Confirmation field. Password requirements, as determined by the PDMP, will present for reference. Click Change to complete updating the password.
Some PDMPs may provide users with the ability to reset their PMP AWARxE passwords via a text message to a registered mobile phone. If the option to reset your password via text or email is presented, and you need further assistance, please see Mobile Phone Password Reset for more information. |
PMP AWARxE Account Login Troubleshooting
- Per Bamboo Health's security protocol, PMP AWARxE will not confirm the existence of an account.
- If an email (or text message for Mobile Phone Password Reset enabled PDMP users) is not received, follow the steps below:
- Ensure the email address has been entered correctly, is a valid email address, and is the email address associated to a PMP AWARxE account.
- Check the Junk, Spam, or other filtered folders for the email.
- If the email address is correct, but the user has not received the password reset email, try adding the following email addresses and domains to the email contacts list, or contact the appropriate IT support to have them added as safe senders:
- After attempting the above suggested troubleshooting steps, please contact the PDMP for additional assistance with PMP AWARxE account access.
- If the user does not have access to the email account used to create the PMP AWARxE account and the Mobile Phone Password Reset feature is not enabled, they must contact the PDMP for assistance changing the email and accessing the account.
- If the user has forgotten which email account they used to create their PMP AWARxE account, they must contact the PDMP for assistance identifying their email address.
The Mobile Phone Password Reset option is only available to PDMPs that have the feature enabled AND the user knows the email address associated with their PDMP account. |