If a user's role acts in a supervisory capacity and can designate and oversee delegate users, they will have access to the Delegate Management Dashboard.
When a delegate selects a supervisor, an email and system notification will be sent to the selected supervisor to request review of the pending delegate connection. Supervisors can approve, reject, and/or remove a delegate by selecting the delegates name and accessing their delegate details card.
Supervisors can also make delegate connections by selecting Add+ in the Delegate Management Dashboard and searching for the delegate's account via their registered email address.
Important Notes:
- Some PDMPS may not allow delegates to add new supervisors.
- Some PDMPS may limit the number of supervisors and/or delegates allowed per user. If a user exceeds their PDMPs implemented limit, an error message will appear indicating "No more delegates can be added."
- If a user attempts to make a delegate/supervisor connection using an email address that is not associated with a registered PDMP account, an error message will appear indicating "The email address provided cannot be specified as a delegate."