Approving Delegates
When a user registers as a delegate for a supervisor, the supervisor will receive an email notifying them a delegate account is Pending their approval.
To view all pending and approved delegates, log in to PMP AWARxE, click on the user's name in the upper right hand corner, and select Delegate Management
Supervisors will be able to see all of their delegate connections from the Delegate Management page. New delegates are identified as Pending in the Delegate Status column.
If your state participates in Delegate Audits, you may see additional fields, such as Last Review Date and Next Review Date on the Delegate Management page. For additional information on delegate audits, please see the Delegate Reverification with Delegate Audits help article. |
To approve a delegate connection, click on the delegate's name to display the delegate's information in a detail card at the bottom of the Delegate Management screen.
Click Verify Status to approve the delegate connection.
Once the delegate has been approved by both the PDMP Administrator and the delegate's supervisor, the delegate can start performing patient searches on the supervisor's behalf.
PMP AWARxE does not restrict the number of delegates a supervisor can approve, but some states have implemented limits as to how many delegates a supervisor can have. When attempting to add or approve any delegate that exceeds the PDMP's implemented limit, a message will display advising that no more delegates can be added. |
Removing Delegates
If a supervisor needs to remove a delegate connection from their account, they can do so from their Delegate Management Dashboard. To do so, click the delegate's name to display their delegate detail card and click Remove.
The delegate is now concerned removed as a delegate/supervisor connection.
Upon removal of a delegate, their status will be returned to a pending status. If needed, delegates can be added at a later date by selecting them from the list on your Delegate Management Dashboard and clicking approve.
If the delegate/supervisor connection needs to be completely disassociated, select the former delegate, in pending status from the list, and then click Reject. Rejecting a delegate will remove them from an account entirely.
It is the responsibility of the supervisor to regularly maintain their delegate list and remove access by delegates if it is no longer necessary. |