To view a previously created Patient Request a user or their delegate(s) have created in the past 30 days, click Menu > Requests History to display the Requests History page.
To filter the request history, click Advanced Options and type in the filter parameters.
Users can also download a PDF or CSV file to export their search history by clicking the corresponding export button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
Clicking on a patient's name will display the details of that request in the form of a detail card.
Finally, clicking View on the patient's detail card will display the results of the previously submitted request. However, the results of the previously submitted request are not updated with new information. The results displayed are the results captured at the time the original search was performed. Clicking Refresh will generate a new Patient Report for the selected patient and the Patient Request page will display with the patient's information automatically populated.
For additional information on performing a Patient Request, please refer to the Performing a Patient Request (Patient Search) help article.