What is a Patient Request?
Patient Requests allow authorized PDMP users to generate a report for a specific individual containing dispensations submitted to the PDMP.
Performing a Patient Request
To perform a Patient Request, log in to PMP AWARxE and navigate to Menu > Patient Request > RxSearch. Complete the minimum required fields, indicated by a red asterisk (*), to perform the Patient Request. Field visibility and requirements are determined by the PDMP and may vary by user.
If enabled by the PDMP, Patient Requests may be performed in PMP AWARxE with partial patient names (E.g., "Sam Coop" for "Samantha Cooper"). Utilizing a partial name search may result in multiple and/or unintended patients in search results. Please refer to Patient Requests with Partial Patient Name for more information.
Delegate users will be required to select a Supervisor before performing a Patient Request. To search multiple patients at once, please refer to Performing & Viewing a Bulk Patient Search for more information |
Including Other PDMPs in a Patient Request
To check for dispensations submitted to other PDMPs, select the checkbox for the desired PDMPs from the list provided in the PMP InterConnect Search section. If the PDMP is enabled for RxCheck Hub, click the radio button to display and select PDMPs available on RxCheck.
If a PDMP is not present in the PMP InterConnect Search list, data sharing between your home PDMP and that PDMP are not currently allowed. Partial search is not available when including other PDMPs in a Patient Request. If partial search has been selected, the PMP InterConnect Search section will not display, as partial search is not available when including other PDMPs in a Patient Request. |
Running a Patient Request
Once required/desired criteria has been entered, click Search to run the Patient Request to generate the Patient Report. For more information on interpreting the Patient Report, please refer to Navigating Patient Reports for additional information.
If the Patient Request included other PMP InterConnect PDMPs, a status report for PDMPs queried will be available on the Patient Report. Please refer to the Navigating Patient Reports for additional information.
A Multiple Patients Found pop up may display if multiple individuals are found that meet your search criteria. Please refer to Multiple Patients Identified for additional information.
If your Patient Search did return any results, please refer to No Results Found for additional information.